
Is the black community overreacting to Ye's meeting with Trump?


New York - Mega producer & fashion mogul Kanye West met with Donald Trump this past week at Trumps golden tower in New York City. The 'Yeezy' creator has been getting a lot of backlash from the anti-Trump community including even one of his own label-mates John Legend.

Now most "don't-look-past the headline" readers would see the words "Trump meets with Kanye" and instantly start the Kanye bashing brigade. What's interesting though is that if your eyes managed to actually get past the words 'Trump' and 'Kanye' in the same sentence you would likely see some of the dialogue that came from the meeting. Bullying, supporting teachers, modernizing curriculums, violence in Chicago and multi-racial issues in America were a few topics of discussion over a few glasses of high-priced wine.

With all the turmoil within Chicago these last couple of years I myself am very optimistic about seeing someone especially, an artist, take the time to actually put their money where their mouth is and sit down with the President-elect and force the discussion. Most of us spend more time on social media complaining about an issue with the sole goal of getting 'likes' and an occasional 'fist' emoji, instead of actually getting out there and becoming the change we want to see. I'd be the first to say Kanye needs to maybe consult his PR before he goes about delivering his messages (rants) but at the same time that wouldn't be the Kanye we know and love. Keep up the good work Ye! ('fist' emoji)

Credit: Black Cat
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